WTS Archive
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2016-01-01 BOE Re: 2016 Memorial and Special Talk
by wifibandit inpdf.
thank you atlantis / wtunderground !.
WTS Archive
There's one paragraph missing in the US version of this letter, 4th paragraph on page 2 (about estimating the quantity and requesting brochures). -
Do all congregations have to destroy all documents related to cases of Pedophilia?
by opusdei1972 ini have been reading in facebook that there is a new society's order for destroying all documents concerning cases of pedophilia in all congregations.
is it true that the elders have received such an order?
WTS Archive
Jurors are going to here that and ask themselves "Why?"
@JeffT: No, they won't. Because the UK law (data protection policy) forbids the congregations of storing any personal data on their members without member's knowledge and consent (it is actually true for any European Union country). If they would NOT destroy them, they could be fined hard.
And then again keep in mind, that this instruction does not affect child molestation files, which are handled differently, as stated in the checklist and BOE letters. So there is nothing to say about this in the court, because that wouldn't be an issue.
Do all congregations have to destroy all documents related to cases of Pedophilia?
by opusdei1972 ini have been reading in facebook that there is a new society's order for destroying all documents concerning cases of pedophilia in all congregations.
is it true that the elders have received such an order?
WTS Archive
Oh come on, for real nobody even bothered to check whether what that Youtube video says is true? Really?
Read carefully the "2015 CHECKLIST FOR AUDIT OF FILE" document posted above. As you can clearly see, the elders are NOT instructed to destroy child molestation case files, nor any stored judicial records. The instruction is to destroy elder's personal notes and records from elder meetings and notes about particular individuals (excluding child molestation cases and JC records). And in case of child molestation and other stored judicial records - to make sure these records are in harmony with other instructions contained in BOE Letters and the elders handbook. And these documents CLEARLY say those records should be kept on file indefinitely. They even go out and say that the elders should keep them in a separate envelope marked "DO NOT DESTROY".
I really would like to punch the guy in that Youtube video in the face, because he is spreading false information. PLEASE, check your sources guys, don't follow blindly what some people say on Youtube. We have so many incriminating evidence about WTS that we don't need to fabricate it. And when one does try to fabricate evidence, it will be uncovered by JWs and fortify their belief that apostates only want to deceive them. I only say that because that was what happened to me years ago - I stumbled upon an "apostate" website that had outright lies presented on it, and my "faith" only got stronger from that experience. It was only after several years I was given the opportunity to wake up again, and fortunately this time I did.
Column totals do not add up in WT's stats
by dropoffyourkeylee inthe wt yearbook stats for years 1988-2014 are available at the jw.org official site at:.
toward the bottom of the page is the link to download the excel file with all the stats.
WTS Archive
Increase in Peak publishers is lowest from 1988 to 2015
I have a file going back to 1970's, and the increase in peak publishers is actually lowest in 35 years. It was only lowest in 1978 when Watchtower suffered the aftermath of their failed 1975 prophecy.
Also, these stats are not official, they were compiled by your fellow apostates from this forum (I forgot who exactly is the author though).
Prediction: jw.org sign up with monthly subscription fee
by bohm inthe wtbs is changing media from print to online.
if we look at other companies doing the same the obvious buissness model is subscription with a monthly fee people can choose themselves.
the wtbs can continue to offer everything for free, however subscribers might earn a button for social media or somesuch ("wtbs donor").
WTS Archive
They don't need to put up a mandatory subscription fee. All that they need is to expand the coverage of "Donate" button that is already present on the website to other countries, and the sheep will chip in voluntarily.
Yearbook 2016: Annual Report (15177 Partakers)
by Designer Stubble inthe 2016 yearbook is up on jw.orgbranches of jehovahs witnesses: 89 (was 90)number of lands reporting: 240 (was 239)total congregations: 118016 (was 115416)worldwide memorial attendance: 19,862,763 (was 19,950,019) decreasememorial partakers worldwide: 15,177 (was 14,121 in 2013:13,204) large increasepeak of publishers in kingdom service: 8,220,105 (was 8,201,205) minor increaseaverage publishers preaching each month: 7,987,279 (was 7,867,958)percentage of increase over 2014: 1.5 (was 2.2)total number baptized: 260,273 (was 275,581)average auxiliary pioneer publishers each month: 443,504 (was 635,298) huge decreaseaverage pioneer publishers each month: 1,135,210 (was 1,089,446)total hours spent in field: 1,933,473,727 (was 1,945,487,604) decreaseaverage home bible studies each month: 9,708,968 (was 9,499,933)
WTS Archive
Is the biggest percentage increase in memorial partakers?
Actually, no. The biggest percentage increase was in 2008, when it jumped from 9105 to 9986 (8.8% increase). Here's a chart for you:
Yearbook 2016: Annual Report (15177 Partakers)
by Designer Stubble inthe 2016 yearbook is up on jw.orgbranches of jehovahs witnesses: 89 (was 90)number of lands reporting: 240 (was 239)total congregations: 118016 (was 115416)worldwide memorial attendance: 19,862,763 (was 19,950,019) decreasememorial partakers worldwide: 15,177 (was 14,121 in 2013:13,204) large increasepeak of publishers in kingdom service: 8,220,105 (was 8,201,205) minor increaseaverage publishers preaching each month: 7,987,279 (was 7,867,958)percentage of increase over 2014: 1.5 (was 2.2)total number baptized: 260,273 (was 275,581)average auxiliary pioneer publishers each month: 443,504 (was 635,298) huge decreaseaverage pioneer publishers each month: 1,135,210 (was 1,089,446)total hours spent in field: 1,933,473,727 (was 1,945,487,604) decreaseaverage home bible studies each month: 9,708,968 (was 9,499,933)
WTS Archive
Here are some charts for you:
WT Branch in Poland: Buy building of three floors located in the heart of Wlochy in Warsaw, for US $500,000 .
by hildebrando indepartment of translation's video presentation, which prepare material in polish.
subtitles in english and spanish:.
WTS Archive
Any address? I want to do a drive by and maybe stop and ask some questions if I see anybody.
Here's the address: Warszawa, ul. Kleszczowa 28
Google Street View link: https://www.google.pl/maps/@52.1981944,20.9201162,3a,66.8y,233.45h,94.93t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s4li4kwbP3z6LHxWNpvLoiA!2e0
Now you don't even have to go to the Kingdom Hall - ALL meetings to be recorded & available on jw.org (if you have a password)
by sir82 inlatest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat http://stream.jw.org) in various languages.
WTS Archive
We already have username and password for 2015/2016 circuit assemblies in polish. There are two sets of passwords for each assembly:
"Imitate Jehovah"
Username: pol-ca-co-pl-vwr
Password: Zgro.Obw.2015!
"Imitate their faith"
Username: pol-ca-br-pl-vwr
Password: Zgro.Obw.2015!
This will probably not be very useful to you english speaking guys, but you can sign in just for lolz and to show a big middle finger to Brooklyn's secrecy.
PS. "Zgro.Obw" in the password is an abbreviation of "Zgromadzenie Obwodowe" which is translation for "Circuit Assembly". Maybe someone will use that to guess passwords for other countries ;).
WT Branch in Poland: Buy building of three floors located in the heart of Wlochy in Warsaw, for US $500,000 .
by hildebrando indepartment of translation's video presentation, which prepare material in polish.
subtitles in english and spanish:.
WTS Archive
You can download the original letter that announced the construction of this building here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6x59Q9rx60odUtKN3Y2U1ZBOUk/view?usp=sharing
I don't have a letter that announced that this project is halted, I got this information from a reliable source who works in polish LDC department.